Book review: “Gilded” by Marissa Meyer

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Genre: #YA #Fairytale #Retelling #Fantasy #GermanicFolklore 51pIJptAfWS._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_

My rating: 5+ / 5 

Warning: Some gruesome moments are present in this book / as well as light mutilation  

I am familiar with other books written by Marissa Mayer; however, I couldn’t call myself her fan before. this book has completely changed my mind about her and what she has created in this book is something magical, special and I hope that this book gains as much popularity as it deserves. I would also like to add that despite the fact that this book is based on the Germanic folklore, I have never come across the creatures and believes that author has added into this book and I read quite a lot of books within this topic.  

I’ve been reading this book like a child, constantly wanting more, experiencing so many feeling towards the characters, they felt so real. Brilliant ending, because it left me intrigued. How to survive a year now? 

Don’t get me wrong, it’s YA, therefore it had some typical/predictable moments, but it didn’t matter. Characters are written so well; you have a feeling like you’re entering a magical world and you do not want to leave (apart from the moments when the full moon has arrived and the Wild Hunt is out hunting, I’m sure you would not want to meet The Erlking).  

Serilda, miller’s daughter is famous in her village, because of her storytelling (she is weaving stories about things other people are scared to talk about). She is blessed by the God of fortune and many people believe; all their misfortunes happen because of her.  

One night on the full moon, she decides to ignore her father’s advice, and doesn’t sleep through the night, she helps some forest creatures and encounters The Wild Hunt. She also lies to The Erlking, these lies will cost her a lot. She’s taken to his castle and asked to perform task, which is impossible to fulfil. Then she meets Gild, naughty poltergeist of that place… Or maybe not…  

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